Feb 1, 2021Liked by Steven Morrison

Another eloquent point of view, thank you, Steven. This sums up so much of the problem with our country: just deny it so it's not real. Write the history books the way we want it to sound. Leave out the ugly bits and then we don't seem so bad. To see it happening even today is just disheartening. It's hard to believe that this is the same America more progressive people live in but it doesn't negate it. Yes, it's embarassing and scary, but don't wish it away. Onward...

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Hi and thanks. As the truth-teller in a dysfunctional family system, I know how hard it is to stand in the truth and what an unpopular position it can be when everyone else is invested in untruth. As a therapist, I know I'm not the only one with that story. As one who once made a quixotic run for public office, I know how pervasive denial is in our collective system as addressed (a little bit anyway) in this piece. Still, I'm quite optimistic for two reasons: First, systemic denial used to make it virtually impossible to find the truth, like the proverbial needle in a haystack. Now, untruth is on full display for all to see. 24/7 Nobody is trying to hide it anymore -- on eitiher side. So we know what we are dealing with. Second, that we are having these conversations, trite as that may sound, is evidence of new consciousness on the rise. "Progressive" movements today are insisting that the truth be told and adhered to. It's messy for sure and will be for a while. But if you ask me, Truth is asserting itself, right on schedule, and it will be our salvation. But that's just me.

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Feb 6, 2021Liked by Steven Morrison

Amen and fortunately, it is not just you!! That said, the surrounding narrative seems to complicate things or just create deafening noise. Your masterful look at the foundational qualities of denial which block our individual, hence collective truth telling lays out meaningful ways in which we are able to stand in truth. In every moment, we have the choice. Thank you.

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It's not just me!!! That'll keep me going for a while. Thank you!

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