Is it your belief and intention that this will occur in your lifetime?

I think not…….

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"You think not" in terms of when this will occur, therefore, what, exactly...???

As for me, yes, I believe this will occur but the mechanics are clear: it is our job to be ultra super clear about what we want and when it happens is when it happens. I'd say today there are fissues in a lot of these things, the hard ground is softening, crumbling is underway. WHEN the day will come where the majority of us can agree that these things -- and all the others that go with them -- will be in our past is not what any of us get to decide. And if my personal criteria were that it all occur in my current lifetime, I wouldn't be able to do any of it. But that's just me.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Steven Morrison

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905. From the series Great Ideas of Western Man.

So said the reasonable western man of 1905.

If this were true we wouldn’t have repeated history. Example, genocide and racism are alive and we’ll..,because we remember so well! Books, Films, etc.

Hence, we globally and locally re-hash historical atrocities over and over and over. Doomed to repeat that which lives in consciousness. Another major fallacy.

Thanks Steven…

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Thank YOU. Indeed, yes, our belief that "remembering the past" somehow shields us is woefully incomplete. Knowing what has occurred and/or what is occurring is always helpful and often necessary -- and that's where, to your point, we often get stuck. The opportunity is to take everything from the past and present that we do not like, that does not work, and SPRING-BOARD from it into what's desired and then cultivate and focus upon that. It's a simple idea, one that has always been with us, and one that modern society has drifted from. That's why the harping of a conscious politics practitioner is always on what's wanted, sometimes because of what has been and sometimes with no regard to what has been. Thanks for dropping in. :)

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Steven Morrison

A few more things we are leaving behind:

Fake news.



Cancel culture.

Social media.

White supremacy.

Lock her - him up.

Death threats.

The big lie.


Climate change is a Hoax.

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OMG I love you that's exactly what I was hoping to see!!! Brilliant. Come on, people, pile on here! (I particularly love fake news on this list.)

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Hypocrisy. Disingenuousness. (Can't believe I missed those. My favorites!)

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Steven Morrison

Pharmaceutical side effects

This cultural reality is particularly egregious. That one would be induced to take medication that will subsequently cause further destruction to some other area of the body is beyond retarded. However, it’s a money maker.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Steven Morrison

Lovely to have a forum to air and discuss culturally accepted practices which are counterintuitive and absolutely destructive - 🙏🏽💐👌🏽

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Come to our Drop-In on 2/15 and we can REALLY discuss -- live and in-person. :) (Sign-up will be in the next newsletter.)

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