One way or another, the new human consciousness, currently being born, will no longer be new. One way or another, humanity’s default will be compassion. One way or another, peace will prevail on this planet. One way or another, our bodies will be stronger and healthier. One way or another, commerce will profit everyone. One way or another, Earth’s health will be restored. One way or another, people will know that they belong and will freely pursue their happiness. One way or another, we will have meaningful work and be economically comfortable. One way or another, acting neighborly will be automatic and trust will reign supreme. And the hits will keep on coming.
We acknowledge, of course, that the birth of anything is, typically, messy business. Whether it’s foals or fingerlings, larvae or hatchlings, puppies or pufflings — to say nothing of human babies — messiness is inherent to the process of birth. And look around! Apparently it’s no different when what’s being born is an entirely new human consciousness. Politically speaking, it’s really messy out there, messier, perhaps, than we ever thought it would be, but it’s on. It’s happening. The only question, then, for conscious politics practitioners who believe what I just said is: How easy or how hard of a time do we want to have during this messy process?
If we want to have an easier time of things we will align ourselves with any and all energies that match the new consciousness. If we want to have a harder time of things, we will align ourselves with any and all energies that conflict with the new consciousness. So…good idea: let’s look at all of this through the lens of energy —what everything is. By way of general review, energies of the new consciousness are energies of (but not at all limited to) peace and compassion, equity and good health, unity and balance, harmony and interdependence, non-duality, cooperation, and love, yes love.
When candidates for office propose extending and restoring rights to citizens who have had them denied and/or taken away, our everyday lives are easier because such efforts resonate with the lighter energies of the compassion, equity, and balance we are cultivating.
But first. I personally agree with those who see both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party as being one in the same: corrupt entities that have conspired to make ballot access arduous, if not virtually impossible, for candidates and would-be candidates who are not in their ranks; corrupt entities that place corporate interests above citizen interests, gerrymander voting districts, fuel the military industrial complex, care little to nothing about environmental stewardship, mismanage revenues and spending, and otherwise indulge in all manner of other malfeasance that does not comport with the new consciousness. At all.
With ignorance and apathy over decades and generations, we the people have created this two-headed monster and I am hard-pressed to believe it will be tamed between now and November. What’s easier to believe is that, with few exceptions, candidates who win their elections in the fall — from president on down, as we say, to dog catcher — will either be Democrats or Republicans. And for all the ways in which the parties are very much the same, I fervently believe that on the ground, in electoral politics, in 50 state legislatures and administrations, in the U.S. Congress and in our federal bureaucracy, the parties and their candidates offer radically different ideas, which can make the difference between us having an easier time of things or a harder time of things.
For example, when campaigns, parties, and candidates for office promote policies that either flat-out deny rights to some and/or take rights away from others, that makes our everyday lives harder because such efforts are steeped in judgment which is, energetically, quite heavy and dense. Writ large, this tends to keep us in collective modes of defending and fighting — what unadulterated judgment always engenders. When campaigns, parties, and candidates for office propose extending and restoring rights to citizens who have had them denied and/or taken away, our everyday lives are easier because such efforts resonate with the lighter energies of the compassion, equity, and balance we are cultivating.
When campaigns, parties, and candidates for office promote policies that make a joke of environmental stewardship, they deny the reality that some of what we humans do to the planet has deleterious effects. The energy of denial and suppression makes our everyday lives harder because of the tremendous effort required to either maintain the denial or attempt to work around it. When campaigns, parties, and candidates for office promote policies based on the reality that we humans belong to the planet, not the planet to us, it makes everyday life easier because doing so puts us in alignment with well-being, the very nature of Nature. Ahhh.
When campaigns, parties, and candidates for office promote policies that would actively deny health care to any citizen for any reason, our everyday lives are made harder, because of how such policies propel the myth of separation, drawing distinctions between different sub-groups of people who all share the exact same need/desire. When campaigns, parties, and candidates for office promote policies to provide quality health care to all, our everyday lives are easier because their ideas put us in the energy of unity — doing something that serves us all individually while addressing us collectively as one.
And when campaigns, parties, and candidates for office tell the truth all the time about everything, when they hold fast to their values, they make everyday life much easier because the energy of truth is a juicy match for the related energies of trust, transparency, and authenticity that will be non-negotiable in the new consciousness.
I hope it’s obvious, today, that these are but whispers of examples of ways to think about this November’s elections. Whatever happens will not change the trajectory of humanity’s march up and into the new consciousness. But, my fellow conscious politics practitioner, choices abound and we can choose easier paths for ourselves all day every day by feeling our way through different energies. Meanwhile, I’m as curious as anyone to see how easy or hard we’ll make things for our collective selves come November.
That was amazing - to look at policies through the lense of energetic weight or resonance... beautiful! Though it's clear we've already chosen the hard way. Thank you for your writings.
Since your posting the consciousness has definitely changed... 👍🙏❤️