You are probably going to laugh at this, and that’s OK with me. I used to laugh at this group as well until I discovered that everything that was uncovered by their founder was true (from my viewpoint anyway).

Technology is only as valuable as it works, and from my personal experience, this information does. I have tested it out many times while doing marital counseling, working inside of Mattel, and when resolving conflicts inside of my own company.


After watching this, tell me where most of us are getting our information? How many of us are refusing to even consider or LOOK at the other side and what information they are being fed about our viewpoint?

Example: One side of our country is being told that this election was won by a landslide. The other side is being told that it was stolen by a landslide. What kind of a war could that start? If one really LOOKS at both sides of every issue we are currently in conflict with you will find opposite information being fed to both sides.

Question: Who is doing this and why?

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Hello and thanks for reading -- and commenting. :) First and foremost, I don't laugh at anything in this realm because that's just judgment. Indeed, I am always happy when people discover information that adds to their health and well being whether or not it ever would for me. So there's that. Further, this piece was about considering what is and isn't "radical" in the context of a compassionate society which, I'm arguing, is what America fundamentally is. And, of course, it's just opinion. Where information comes from, who is being told what, and who is or isn't willing to look at other sides feels like a different subject altogether so I'm not inclined to comment on that here. But for anyone playing along at home, I actually know Linda so, for sure, we will continue this conversation IRL (in real life). :)

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YES! Nothing more FUN than an early morning chat over coffee with YOU! ... Read only when you have time. I ended up having a lot to say. Read with an open mind as my thoughts could be from the other side of the coin that starts wars as I pointed out in my last post.

…and I can SEE how my last post might seem off-topic from your viewpoint. Yet from mine a few of your radical compassionate ideas above are based on the information that you have been given (true or false?) that Mr. Biden actually won this election with 80 million + votes. More than any votes for a US president in the history of this country despite very little campaigning, his many public gaffs and almost no excitement compared to the hordes of people I saw cheering day in and day out on the other side.

You obviously have not heard about the dead people found voting or the 19,000+ in Penn alone that were told they already voted when they showed up to vote in person, or the truckloads of ballots for Biden that were dumped off in the middle of the night with only Biden filled in and no other votes below that, or the Dominion voting equipment set up to easily switch votes by exact percentages to Biden… But lets say that I am being fed BS conspiracy theories and that you are 100% correct.

Then YES! Thrown out the 5 conservative judges since they were put there by an extremely unpopular president (who BTW, did get more votes than any sitting president in history). Have Harris (and un-elected president who will be taking over soon) select judges who interpret the Constitution exactly as RBG did.

And YES! Get rid of the Electoral College and let those radical, compassionate thinkers from NY and CA shut out the voices from those in the fly-over country. Let the majority rule! Open the boarders while you are at it and let anybody without ID vote. Embrace humanity! Treat everybody the same and give them UBI, free education and healthcare while we are at it. The ONLY humane thing to do! … Or is it?

Let me be your “contrast” and state why I don’t think that would be a good idea:

I was talking to a friend of mine in Venezuela who was telling me that a similar program to what you are describing above DID work until the price of oil crashed and the government could no longer afford to support everybody who couldn’t support themselves. Money became worthless because there was more of it than products being produced. Their UBI was worthless. Only the people who had actual exchangeable skills are the ones surviving over there now. All the rest are starving. Why? Because money is only valuable depending upon it’s purchasing power. Money created without enough products and services to be exchanged for that money is worthless.

My younger brother who lived in Botswana, Africa for 26 years told me the same. He said that often the millions of dollars that the compassionate people from America sent over made the situations in poverty stricken Africa worse than before. According to him, the money went either to make the wealthy more wealthy and powerful or to feed the poor who then had more babies who eventually starved when the money ran out because those people had become dependent on the money without developing the skills needed to support themselves without welfare.

Back in the early 1600s when pilgrims first landed here, they tried socialism. They all worked and put food into a mutual storage area where anybody could take what they needed. Result was that they almost starved to death after the first three years as many worked to support those who didn’t. They only began to prosper AFTER they divided up the land and let each family fend for themselves where each was rewarded depending on how much they produced. Our Forefathers learned from that lesson and set it up so that anybody could come to America and prosper based on their ingenuity and desire to work. As we evolved that also included women and people of any color or creed.

The reason WHY the USA is one of the most prosperous countries in the world is because at the beginning our Founders realized that each of the 13 Colonies were uniquely different, with different moral codes and business models that they followed. None would ever agree 100% on everything so they looked for the common ground that they could agree on. One of the biggest contrasts between them was the issue of slavery. If at that time the majority was allowed to rule (as you feel they should) we would have been a country that accepted slavery because most of the population at that time lived in the Southern Colonies. In the end it took a Civil War to change that. Even so, what has kept this country together has been the rights of States to rule themselves and to share only those things needed jointly protect the states (military, currency and the US Constitution). Part of that being each State having equal representation and equal say in how the Federal Government is governed despite the amount of people who lived in those States. If suddenly all of those states were forced to agree with the majority of people living on the coasts I am afraid we no-longer would be “United” individual states.

It is the same problem that the EU has been running into as well. Trying to force 27 extremely different countries, with different moral codes and creeds to follow exactly the same rules created by unelected officials that think they know better.

Did you realize that the average mother in Africa has 7 children to 1.5 children being born to US women? Have you ever lived in Africa or spent much time there? I did and saw conditions that I would never want to see here in the USA based on political systems that are ruled by mobs. I saw the body of a dead women who had been stoned by the men in the town because her husband thought he saw her look at another man (majority men rule over there). I have friends who live in South Africa behind 9ft electronic fences as it is the only way to stay safe there. Have you ever spent much time in Mexico or compared life in Tijuana to that in San Diego? What happens when we open the boarders and let anybody from those places into this country without going through our immigration process? Wouldn’t they and the political ideas that created those negative conditions take over America since they would soon be the NEW majority? How compassionate would that be?

Ever notice that the areas where there are the most people with the most liberal ideas also are the areas with the worst debt and the highest crime? Having lived in LA for 25 years, I watched it turn into the garbage dump that it currently is today because of mob rule in the state of CA. I am from the Mid-West and have seen the same happen in what used to be the beautiful city of Chicago, yet Indianapolis with it’s boring, conservative values has stayed pretty safe and prosperous. Does that make them less compassionate?

How is what is happening to the people in those areas “compassionate”? …or am I missing something entirely??? Isn’t the proof of compassionate behavior in the results of how many people actually benefit from those compassionate actions?

BTW, I actually AGREE with A LOT of Andrew Yang’s ideas especially about how election funding should be conducted WITHOUT funding from big corporations and how EASY it would be to create fool proof election systems using the block chain system. He was my favorite Democratic candidate as he wasn’t for open boarders or giving anybody and everybody free everything, which I don’t think has ever worked well in any society in any country.

My solution? It all comes down to either deciding to give a person a fish or teach a person to fish. UBI gives a person a fish and only lasts as long as the UBI lasts. Meanwhile, if you look around there is ALWAYS some place where people in any society needs help. Unfortunately, our schools have failed for the most part to teach people (from all races and creeds) the skills needed to create products and services that actually help others. That is why so many are now begging for socialism. They think giving money or rewarding people equally no matter what they do is the solution when it is not.

… But then again I could be very WRONG and you could be very RIGHT! At lease we are still comparing notes and talking.

…a WHOLE pot of coffee over many months to discuss that one!

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