Conscious Libertarians? We are at the table too.

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Yes, absolutely, of course, 100% Conscious Greens, Conscious Independents...anyone and everyone. Apologies for any perceived slights. :)

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I think you should send this to her. And do you have someone in mind who crosses the chasm more successfully?

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Thank you. And yes! There are two people out there who speak in ways that I virtually never want to critique or add to or anything like it. The first was my chosen presidential Dem candidate, now Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg. He espouses what I would call a conscious approach to politics naturally and organically. The other is Matthew Dowd. He's a former Republican Texan, came up via George W, was going to run for Lt. Gov. in Texas this year but bowed out in favor of other candidates, and also, to my ears, naturally talks in "our" terms. I appreciate this encouragement for the "reaching out" component. It's on in general and I'm always eager for any direct connections anyone might have to those who should be in the fold, as it were.

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022Liked by Steven Morrison

This is an outstanding critical narrative that up-levels politics, purpose and premise. I circulated… thanks!

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Thank you.

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As I lay around healing, with not much to do… your Sunday writings become a muse for my thoughts.

First off… of course I agree with you 100% about being more conscious about politics while considering all of the dynamics involved for the greatest good for humans as well all other living plants and animals on this planet. I have a feeling if you surveyed both liberal and conservative viewpoints of your average human you would find that most would want the same. This does not include financially motivated, or bribed politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle. From my viewpoint they DO NOT represent the viewpoints of “We The People”. They usually say one thing to get elected and then only carry out the wishes of the main donors, that funded their campaigns. THEY are the cause of the problems between liberals & conservatives, not the solution.

The chasm between conservative and liberal political thought lies with the difference between ideological thought and logic. Both are needed and should be working together instead of fighting each other. I realized this way back when I was designing toys for Mattel. Similar as in our country, there were two kinds viewpoints. The creatives who dreamed up the toy ideas, and the engineers who actually designed and put the toys together. As somebody who was put into the position of finding harmony between the two groups, I had to understand the value of both and get them to understand and appreciate the value of each other.

Creatives came up with the amazing ideas with often NO IDEA how their ideas could be produced. Then they would get very upset when the engineers and finance people would brainstorm to put something together that could be build, advertised and sold for a profit (so the company would not go out of business). Meanwhile, engineers didn’t have the creative ideas and the creatives had no idea how to actually construct their ideas or viably get them into the market place. No way they could have made it without each other. I see liberals as the creatives who want to wave a magic wand to solve the problems they see quickly. Conservatives as the engineers who take those magic wand ideas and try to convert them into something that could actually work to have the same end result.

As and example, let’s take one part of it that you brought up in this discussion. UBI. Sounds GREAT at first. But let’s say we went for it. Gave everybody in this country (and HECK anybody else who decides to wander into this country) $1,000 per month UBI. One of Andrew Yang’s ideas (and BTW, I actually love most of Andrew’s ideas). YEAH!!!!!!! Everybody get’s a FREE monthly paycheck! Now what?

Ok, let’s do the math. Round the total population off to 350,000,000 x $1000 x 12 = $4,200,000,000,000 or 4.2 TRILLION dollars a year. Ah… it’s just money eh?

First question: Where is that going to come from? Taxes? Right now 157,540,000 people are employed in this country. Not unless you are going to get a revolt from the working class, making them pay an average of $27,000 extra in taxes each per year. Nope. The “rich”… hahahahahaha! Good luck with that one! They always get out of being taxed. Only way to answer to that is have the government give out credit cards with $1,000 of digital credit per month to everybody who is currently living or visiting the USA! Basically creating the money out of thin air. Why not? PERFECT SOLUTION! Solved! Love it! Happiness everywhere!

Next question: What kind of a financial impact would that have on our economy? Do you think 4.2 trillion MORE dollars chasing after the SAME AMOUNT of products & services might cause prices to go up? Think of those who might quit their jobs causing production to go down? Ah, no problem. We can just purchase more goods and services from the slave labor in China (who are forced to work for $1.00 per hr if they are lucky) and other places around the world. What might happen to housing and rents? Might they go up? Then what happens when prices of housing, goods and services go up to the point where $1,000 is worth more like $100. … No problem. The government now gives everybody $10,000. Who cares? It’s just money. Hahahaha!

LOOK at history. Every time the government get’s involved in “solving” our financial problems, the problems get worse. Example: Minimum wage when I was a kid was $1.00. Goods and services were much more affordable than they are today. Most anybody could get a job and there WERE NOT massive amounts of undocumented aliens coming over the boarder to work off the books to make profits for the companies who can’t afford to pay $15.00 minimum wages, plus taxes and insurance to all of their workers and still be able to sell their products for prices that compete with China.

The reason people came to this country in the first place was because there was NO INCOME TAX and very little regulations compared to the overbearing rules in other countries. The USA had some of the BEST education in the world before government came in and made it law that teachers had to get a “college degree” to teach and were then covertly taught now to ruin 3/4ths of the population by implementing the grade curve system. Now why would they do that? So that they could keep a good % of the population stupid, willing to work for low wages and go begging for things like UBI, forcing them to become dependent on a government that prevented them from getting the education they needed to be independent in the first place (via the "free" public school system)! Do you get it yet?

What would happen if instead of treating everybody like a victim and paying for them to live (giving them fish) we gave everybody a great education, teaching them how to earn a living by being helpful to society, starting a business, learning a trade or doing something that others would be willing to exchange for (teaching them how to fish)?

UBI only gives our government more control over it’s population. And guess who controls the government? Do we really want that?

I have seen places in LA where they actually educated the poor so that they were able to get OFF of welfare and stand on their own two feet. Crime and drug use went way down along with the cost to tax payers all because of a decent education. Yet our wonderful government rejected those programs. Ever wonder why?

Ever notice the high % of people who win the lottery are broke again after a short time? That is because knowledge is power, not money. Give a person a fish and they become dependent on the government giving them another fish forever. Teach them to fish and they are free to live their own lives the way they want to. Most with the same goals for humanity has you and I have.

Liberals set the goals, conservatives figure out logical ways for them to actually come true. Let’s keep dreaming together, realize who our enemy actually is (our unethical government owned by the huge corporate elites) and build a new universe where everybody WINS that no outside financial power can tear down.

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