Totally agree with you. Recently I have been consciously evaluating which FB posts I choose to share and why. This practice helps me focus on sharing things which further my intentions and stops me from sharing negative posts.

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Sorry Guys cc not in my vocabulary... thankfully..fuew.

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Interesting article here in regards to the Law of Attraction. It has been said that the Universe says YES to everything. So if you put your attention on what you don't want, that is what you get. If you put your attention on what you do want, more likely you will get it. ... So having been "cancelled" a few times myself with FB deciding (with no real provable evidence) which posts of mine are not true, only to later decide they ARE true, it comes down to basic "Freedom of Speech" rights. I see "Cancel Culture" as more like being the communication police out there correcting us as "they" see fit. ... Example: Let's say I see something happen. I post it. FB puts a big black screen over it with all sorts of "fact check" articles connected. Basically saying to me "shut up, what you are saying is not true". even though I SAW it with my own eyes. WOW! How frustrating is that? Who are "they" to judge? What happens then? The person trying to communicate, only doubles down and communicates MORE. And the people trying to prevent that person from communicating get even stricter about not letting that person's communications be seen. They may do this simply by calling them a name (usually "racist, homophobe, hater", etc.) in hopes that will shut them up, or accusing them of something they didn't do. THIS is what people get upset about. Right now it seems that "We The People" are supposed to believe one narrative, and if we don't believe it, we are cancelled. It is why so many NEW social media and news sights are popping up. Those who have been getting canceled are going there so they can share what they have honestly been experiencing and speaking their minds about it. They go to places where they can have "freedom of speech". ... Example: I have been following Dr. Mercola ever since 2003. He has been a huge inspiration to Alfred and I and so many others in my family, friends, etc.! Saved many lives with the research he does constantly. He has the largest health research website on the internet, with over 50 million subscribers. He he has been connected to doctors and research scientists for years! He has now been labeled as "one of the most dangerous people in America" by the Biden administration because he has done some DEEP research on the vaccines that our government has been trying to get us all to take and has serious doubts about their safety. Consequently, he has had threats on his life. His social media accounts have been taken down and he only gets a voice with alternative media. THAT is cancel culture and that is what so many of us are upset about.

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...Another example of cancel culture: Did you know that 50 years ago only 6% of the children in the USA had auto-immune or infectious diseases? Compare today with 54% of our children having those diseases. This is despite the HUGE 800% increase in vaccines and all sorts of medicine that they are suppose to get per AMA recommendations. Dr. Fauci has been in charge this entire time with the job of increasing health in our country. Instead, we are now one of the most unhealthy countries in the world due to allowing the big GMO food industries and big pharma to be supported and protected by this government. Dr. Fauci has been in charge of giving billions of government grants out to universities and research labs every year that support big pharma and big Agra research ONLY... and if they don’t come up with the expected results, their grants are canceled.

I saw this personally happen to a client of mine who was paid to come up with a machine that could measure the an exact amount of medicine that should be prescribed to any one person. Deciding on amounts of drugs to prescribe for people has been one of the largest challenges that the drug companies have had. So in order to help them out, Dr. Fauci funded a huge research using extremely sensitive testing devices to do this. The scientist I worked with was hired to build it. Once he finished, he started testing all of the drugs that they gave to him. Some were ok for a very short run but NONE were OK long term. … Dr. Fauci dropped that whole program like a hot potato! Never to be heard of again! My client still has that machine and uses it often to help prescribe exactly what is needed for a person’s ailments and sells it to alternative health professionals who want to test their clients.

Basically, Dr. Fauci has been in bed with big pharma and the food industry this entire time. He has his own patents and makes millions from them. All of this can be proven.

Yet, when Robert Kennedy Jr. came out with this information based on what he found on public, government websites, he was CANCELLED. Every social media post erased, and he is now listed by the Biden administration to be the 2nd most dangerous man in America.

That is the “cancel culture” that people are getting really upset about.

Oh boy! It is Sunday and I just had a REALLY GREAT cup of coffee!

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