While I already miss a lot about writing weekly, I am extremely excited about taking time to get Conscious Politics into the mainstream. Anyone?
You are a rare bird, dear reader of The Conscious Politics Sunday Newsletter. You are one of very few American humans who knows anything about this project and its value — to you personally and to us collectively. And guess what? Your thoughts and ideas about it are what publishers want to know.
So let’s talk about it here, now, and/or in the days and weeks and months ahead. We can use this “thread” — whenever so inspired — to talk about what this newsletter means to you and why others should be able to read it. In this way, you can directly help me make the case to publishers by offering your invaluable insights and opinions.
You can answer some of these prompts, respond to what others have said, and/or start your own topic.
What, if anything, have you missed about the newsletter during the last couple of weeks?
Which pieces/topics/ideas have stuck in your mind over the last two years?
Why should a mainstream publisher publish Conscious Politics?
What have you learned from this newsletter?
What do you like about this subject in written form?
What else would you like to say about getting this work out into the world?
I do not consider myself to be a “political” person. In the past I have been so repelled by the arguments, divisiveness and angry vitriol I have seen and heard that I shut out that part of the world completely. But Something told me that perhaps refusing to acknowledge what was happening wasn’t the best choice. Perhaps I could be an agent for change. But how? Steven’s newsletter gives me the answers I need. I still find it hard to believe I actually eagerly look forward to an article with the word “politics “ in its title every week! Because of what I have learned, I no longer feel helpless. I feel empowered. I still am selective about the media I consume, but since I started reading “Conscious Politics” I have even started reading and enjoying other intelligent and insightful articles about politics and current events. If you’d have told me a year or two ago that I would be an online subscriber to The Atlantic or any other news source, I’d have shook my head in disbelief! I believe this change is for the better and it’s all because of reading Steven’s newsletter. He made me feel as if I could make a difference. He gave me a voice.
Thank you for that, Karen! It is personally tremendously gratifying and it is professionally EXTREMELY helpful, as this thread is all about, with regard to the project of getting Conscious Politics "out there." Thank you for taking the time to respond so thoughtfully. Much appreciated.
1. I have missed being weekly inspired to see politics, current events, and movements in American society thru the conscious lens. I've missed the a-ha moments I get from said insight.
2. Pieces that stuck: racism, negative spin/leading the witness reporting tactics, seeing all political trends and events from the conscious perspective, VOTING.
3. Publish it in the mainstream to create a new conversation with ppl that don't normally take this approach. To inspire all voters to care more and make more of an effort to help stamp out voter suppression.
4. I love hearing Steven's humor in his writing. I love learning new ways to flip the script, new ways to be "political" but my way.
5. I like taking the time on a monday or tuesday to read this article and start off my week thinking fresh and new and shiny, clear.
6. When we all share with a friend after an inspired conversation, we reach more and more like minded ppl (and UNlike minded friends). When we all remember how we were inspired by it, we grant that gift to others by sharing the inspiration with them, as well. Then they remember and share and so on. Let's keep it going!
Thank you for taking the time to say what you've said, Andi. This helps to get CP out into the world more than you know. I appreciate you and your willingness VERY much.
I do not consider myself to be a “political” person. In the past I have been so repelled by the arguments, divisiveness and angry vitriol I have seen and heard that I shut out that part of the world completely. But Something told me that perhaps refusing to acknowledge what was happening wasn’t the best choice. Perhaps I could be an agent for change. But how? Steven’s newsletter gives me the answers I need. I still find it hard to believe I actually eagerly look forward to an article with the word “politics “ in its title every week! Because of what I have learned, I no longer feel helpless. I feel empowered. I still am selective about the media I consume, but since I started reading “Conscious Politics” I have even started reading and enjoying other intelligent and insightful articles about politics and current events. If you’d have told me a year or two ago that I would be an online subscriber to The Atlantic or any other news source, I’d have shook my head in disbelief! I believe this change is for the better and it’s all because of reading Steven’s newsletter. He made me feel as if I could make a difference. He gave me a voice.
Thank you for that, Karen! It is personally tremendously gratifying and it is professionally EXTREMELY helpful, as this thread is all about, with regard to the project of getting Conscious Politics "out there." Thank you for taking the time to respond so thoughtfully. Much appreciated.
1. I have missed being weekly inspired to see politics, current events, and movements in American society thru the conscious lens. I've missed the a-ha moments I get from said insight.
2. Pieces that stuck: racism, negative spin/leading the witness reporting tactics, seeing all political trends and events from the conscious perspective, VOTING.
3. Publish it in the mainstream to create a new conversation with ppl that don't normally take this approach. To inspire all voters to care more and make more of an effort to help stamp out voter suppression.
4. I love hearing Steven's humor in his writing. I love learning new ways to flip the script, new ways to be "political" but my way.
5. I like taking the time on a monday or tuesday to read this article and start off my week thinking fresh and new and shiny, clear.
6. When we all share with a friend after an inspired conversation, we reach more and more like minded ppl (and UNlike minded friends). When we all remember how we were inspired by it, we grant that gift to others by sharing the inspiration with them, as well. Then they remember and share and so on. Let's keep it going!
Thank you for taking the time to say what you've said, Andi. This helps to get CP out into the world more than you know. I appreciate you and your willingness VERY much.