Wow….talk about telling it like it is 😊

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Steven, you really went off the deep end with this one.

One example about McCarthy does not change the fact that Biden and the Dems are the the weak people. No action on crime; no action on the border and Fentanyl; no action on inflation that they caused; no action on CRT in grade school; no action on teaching babies about sex and the deviants; no support on parental control of their children's education.



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Yes, yes, yes and YES! This is why THOUSANDS have been showing up at Trump's almost weekly live, outdoor campaigns. They are SICK of what has been happening to this country. They can SEE with their own two eyes the crime rates going up, respect going down and this country getting worst by the day. How many people do you know are going to vote for more open boarders, inflation, crime (where it is legal here in CA to steal over $900 per day from stores), CRT in schools (that I have personally seen myself), enforced vaccine mandates and outright attacks, via higher and higher tax rates, on the American people? Have you ever watched a speech by Biden or Harris? "Leading us in the right direction." Really?

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Apr 24, 2022·edited Apr 24, 2022

Couldn’t agree with you MORE about McConnell and McCarthy. However they do NOT represent the entire Republican Party as it stands today. They are WHY most people in today’s Republican Party want them GONE! … I would say a very HIGH percent of both long time “Establishment” Republicans and Democrats (with a D) have been compromised for years and still ARE. If Joe Biden isn’t the poster child for “weak”, I don’t know who is.

The idea that Mr. Biden suddenly became the most popular president with the most votes in history is something that too many are taking a serious LOOK AT, and questioning––– despite what the main stream media has been promoting.

Also the idea that Trump, or anybody who supports Trump, is automatically a racist, homophobe, white supremacist, or not inclusive of others is total BS. You would know that if you ever bothered to watch any of his almost weekly live, campaign speeches with thousands of people of all races, genders and beliefs attending. LOOK at the crowd and see for yourself who is there. I have NEVER seen crowds like this for any president or presidential candidate. Ever. Why is that? Could it be that what he has to say is NOT, evil, racist or what MSM would love for you to believe?

As I told you before… I felt the same way as you did until I was literally FORCED to hold my nose and listen to what he actually had to say! He is the ultimate (d) democrat who wants fairness and democracy for all. I was NEVER a registered Republican until I realized what Trump was talking about. I joined because of him, and the movement that he started, as have thousands of others.

P.S. Did you see the chart I started working on last week? I sent you an email with all of the different viewpoints for both of us to fill in.

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I'll get back to you about the chart.

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Just a rough idea. Once it is done, can download it, and fill it out to see where most people stand on the issues. ... I will add "Climate Change" to the list. Feel free to add any you see as well.

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Wow. Consciousness doesn't see through a red or blue lens, as far as I know.

Rhayum, the popularity contest that is modern political leadership is only as good as the voters who cast ballots; shame is old-school here, and not a favorable indication of one's level of consciousness. Americans have a Constitutional mandate to support American elected leaders, even when they don't agree with them despise their character flaws or wish them ill, and we get who we get in Washington because our votes measure the collective consciousness of the electorate.

Linda, I haven't been a Republican since the mid-90s b/c of the party's position on abortion. Its level of consciousness about caste systems, the non-binary gender spectrum, and even the misnamed War on Drugs simply guarantee that me and others like me will remain politically homeless, rather than joining the three-wheeled bandwagon of either major party. Far and beyond any personal faults the man may have, Trump's sustained attacks on America's Constitution and representative democracy outweigh anything good that he - or the party that was forced to adopt him in 2014/15 - may have done. Without getting into the details, isn't that also a form of collective LoA at work?

Any acceptance I've got comes from recognizing that, whether they wear blue suits or red ones, the government chosen in a democracy is a product of the least common denominator in the electorate. In my lifetime, I've watched that process from Kennedy to Biden, with a few notable historically good high points (Civil Rights become law, Berlin Wall falls) but generally not in the direction of what I think we all would agree is advancing consciousness.

Therefore, to remain sane, I choose to watch the government as a reflection of the grass roots while I work as a gardener to offer whatever of my talents may help make positive change over many many years.

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I can completely relate to your wanting to stay politically homeless. There are A LOT of issues in the Republican Party that I disagree with too. Abortion being only one of them. People should be able to make their own decisions about such a serious matter. The government having to pay billions for abortions or even getting involved in those spiritual type decisions is quite another matter. The War On Drugs (or war on anything) only leads to HUGE government programs that never end (no financial benefits to any of these programs ending so they make sure those problems either get WORSE or are NEVER fixed).

There are certain areas of our government that I have been dis-satisfied with for a very long-long time. One of them is the suppression in our educational system. Mainly the “grade curve system” that allows children to graduate with below A quality work, so prevalent in our US "free" Public School system. This keeps a certain segment of our population stupid on purpose (poorly educated people are more willing to accept low salaries)… which is WHY they are purposely not educated well. Add to that:

• Super Packs that only support political candidates that will forward laws that benefit huge corporate interests instead of those that best help a majority of “We The People”.

• Career politicians who stay in power for life, despite any corruption they are involved in. All supported by huge corporate interests.

• The deep state (CIA, FBI, the Military Industrial complex, etc.) that actually rule this country no matter WHO is supposedly elected by “We The People”.

• The covert open border policies that have been implemented by BOTH parties to satisfy their “cheap labor” needs that completely ignore the immigration laws that were voted in by our government years ago.

• The bypassing of having both the House and the Senate approve of the US getting involved in foreign wars.

• Our horrible healthcare system that is basically run by lobbyists from Big Pharma and insurance companies that suck the life blood out of US citizens and owns the FDA. ( I know this because I sell natural remedies on my website and get attacked constantly)

This is only a partial list!

Trump was the first candidate that actually addressed any of the issues on my list. He had some decent solutions too. He should have started a 3rd Party, but he knew he wouldn’t have a chance to do that so he basically “raped” the Republican Party and took it over with his MAGA ideas. PISSING OFF our entire government cabal that was in power via both parties before that. Why I refused to join either (R or D) in the past… BTW, they OWN the main steam media, so of course they published anything and everything they could possibly come up with to make Trump look seriously BAD, and still do!

The media insists on attacking Trump’s personality instead of the VERY VALID issues that he brings up. Meanwhile, the issues are what people who are listening actually care about. A BIG part of what Trump has going for him is that he is not a career politician. He doesn’t need to be bribed (like so many in our Congress have been). If you go back and watch videos from the past, he has been pointing out the exact same issues for a very long time.

BTW, the other person who had some excellent solutions to many of the same issues was, Andrew Yang… but note that he was totally cut off by the DNC, sidelined, and not allowed to speak his mind. Meanwhile, his website listed out 101 solutions (many that would actually WORK) to MAJOR issues we have been dealing with for too many years.

I get it… much easier to garden and not get involved in the war against “We the People”. I am pretty much doing the same thing by running a business that I enjoy, helping people resolve personal health problems with organic products.

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Well, as always, thanks for reading, folks! In response to comments I'm seeing here so far, a few thoughts starting with "Thanks, David M!" :)

I was specifically talking here about the weak character of current R officeholders on the federal level and my personal belief that, on the whole, weak character in any of 538 federal officeholders isn't good much less when it's alive and well in most of one of our two major political parties looking, as always, through our conscious politics lens. What any of it has to do with Biden or Harris or CRT or the border or Trump and his rallies is beyond me.

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Apr 25, 2022·edited Apr 25, 2022

I think the issues with Biden, Harris, CRT, the border, or Trump, has everything to do with what is going to happen to those in the Senate and House of Representatives in November. THOSE are the issues that a lot of people care about and you are RIGHT... our weak Representatives on BOTH sides, don't. ...WHY are they weak? Because most of them are PAID to be that way. Read the book "Secret Empires" and you will see how this system has been in place for years on both the D & R sides of the isle.

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I certainly take your point that all kinds of thoughts and ideas spark all kinds of thoughts and ideas including that other issues than what I'm talking about will impact the midterm elections. Fair enough. Still, it is not that Kevin McCarthy -- and most of his office-holding R compatriots -- is being paid to be that way, only someone of weak character can be paid off anyway. It's who he is, as he demonstrates all the time. Eight members of congerssional leadership receive the highest level of intelligence briefings and I don't think people like him should be anywhere near that kind of power. But that's just me.

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I couldn't agree with you more on that one. He should NOT be in power. What is interesting is how he arrived in power in the first place. Same with McConnell. From my viewpoint they are, and have always been pawns for the "deep state" and the huge multi-national corporations. They get paid off in ways that can't be easily seen... like Nancy P. does. It happens on BOTH sides of the isle. How does somebody start out working in Congress, getting paid that salary and end up a multi-multi-multi millionaire? Take a DEEP LOOK at the bills that they get passed that allow the rich corporations to get richer while "We The People" get poorer and poorer. Then look at the unbelievable book deals they receive along with massive speaking fees AND the deals that their families and extended families receive. As Hunter Biden has said many times in his now famous emails "It is so frustrating to always have to give 50% to the BIG GUY". ... Then take Obama for example. Great speeches about how he is going to even the playing field and rebel against corporatism. We LOVED him! Why he got elected. Then the crash happens n 2008, caused by the large banking institutions and what happens? Absolutely NOTHING. Nobody gets investigated, nobody goes on trial, the rest of us suffer (including yourself), the banks get even wealthier and Obama gets HUGE book deals, speaking fees and now owns three mansions, and is worth millions MORE than he did before he became president. Now how did that happen??? Hello? Talk about weak! Worst than that, completely and totally unethical. ... But that is how the game rolls in DC. The good news is that a large percentage of the American population are getting WISE to that fact now.

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May 1, 2022Liked by Steven Morrison

This article is really a great big exclamation point.....!!!!! Here we have certain viewpoints put forward, and out comes the blame game.

From recent polling, they are saying that up to 70% of new voters are registering as Independent. Many of us are not as happy as we should be with the political class, but that’s not a reason to pitch democracy for autocracy because the “other side “ is not perfect.........just saying.

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