Wow, Steven ! Keep hitting that nail on the head, metaphorically of course. I would like to send this "advice" on to the Harris campaign.

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Metaphorically, of course. And please! Go ahead. Don't hold back on my account. :)

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Great article Steven, thank you!

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Your readership means everything and your saying so is the cherry on top. Thank you.

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The energy shift has been wonderful to experience, even from afar! Thank you for expressing it so eloquently.

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Energy + Intention = Hopeful Action

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I want to respond with this wonderful quote by Dee Wallace. "I AM directing the highest choice for democracy through Divine Love. Let go of the party affiliation and FOCUS on the highest person to support the democracy and our country through LOVE... Do your part. Live consciously. Create the world you desire. Live Love." I know we all have our own opinions. I don't think it matters so much if opinions differ as long as each of us make our choice from our heart's TRUTH. Blessings and Love.

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