May 1, 2022Liked by Steven Morrison

Nice read. As usual, telling like it is Steven. And then the truth is tough for a lot of folks, blame is way easier, there's so many prospective targets. Mauah?...... : )

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May 1, 2022Liked by Steven Morrison

This is one of my favorites. It is so easy to feel like we have to go along with all of the "now I am supposed to s" in society in order to be "accepted". When one can break away from that they are more able to think for themselves and find their own path, as you have, and by doing so encouraging others to do as well. ... Even if THIS life takes you on a wild ride after that! We don't only live once and that BIG future is all that matters. Too many live in cage with golden bars of their own making. Disagree and go FREE!

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May 1, 2022Liked by Steven Morrison

A brilliant, clear and inspirational exposé about your journey and practice as a conscious and (dare I say) spiritual being. Leading by example. Making a palpable difference in how our choices, individually and collectively, impact the discourse and inform decisions. Integrity is powerful. Thank you.

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Out is en Vogue. Thank you, Universe.

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May 3, 2022Liked by Steven Morrison

It's interesting to shed some light on all of the aspects of us, even the ones we aren't really sure we want, are proud of, believe in, or condone. However, it can be quite liberating. This practice can go hand in hand with what many in our culture struggle with: taking help when it's offered. Our culture has led us to believe that people that can take on their entire lives by themselves are stronger than those that need help. We "should" all be able to balance our careers, child-rearing, physical health, beauty, positive attitude and mental health all of the time with a smile on our face, "good vibes", and have enough light to share with everyone else. Even when hard times fall on us, we are encouraged to get on with it, keep our chins up, and get through it alone. I have found great peace in admitting when I'm not "perfect" and accepting help from those who offer it. It's a humbling practice but it allows me to be my human self, take the good AND the bad equally, admit when I need help, and graciously accept it when it's offered. I come "out" as being in need and I welcome "in" the help.

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