Thank you Steven, you’re back with avengence. We do of course speak the same language, that being said, I didn’t watch the “debate ?”, didn’t miss a thing, thank you.

We are looking at many changes going forward and all I can do is keep moving forward, not backward….thanks for speaking what many of us wish we knew how to speak.


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I guess 80,000,000 are all bad people.

Many extreme left people want to destroy our country.

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I am assuming that your reference to 80M people is a misplaced reference to the 74.2M people who voted for Trump's reelection in 2020. That, of course, is the same election that saw 81.2M people vote for Biden, the challenger and decisive winner. If so, I have no idea how it relates to this piece. It was aimed at people who want America to continue to be a society wherein we govern ourselves, a prospect that is, today, tenuous and one NOT embraced by the current Republican party. It just isn't. As such, I am personally interested in making sure that members of that party have less, not more, representation in government and have a few thoughts, conscious politics-wise, about how to achieve that. I personally disagree with anyone who believes that the R party is not anti-democratic and I disagree with people who prefer an anti-democratic, authoritarian approach to government. But I disagree with no judgment and with zero impetus to argue with any of them or attempt to change their minds. (Regular daily practice.)

P.S. If you're saying that denying R's power in favor of "extreme left people," I see no evidence that the "extreme left people" are anti-democratic but if you ask me, there is no room for a single anti-democratic officeholder in any statehouse or in the U.S. Congress. It blows my mind that this is controversial, but there it is.

P.P.S. You're making me work too hard for a Sunday.

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Thank you Steven as always for encouraging us to seek and think deeply on such important matters! I did watch the debate. I personally do not see democracy in our present Democratic Party or as represented by the DNC. That does not mean democracy does not exist. I am certain that it does and is represented in some politicians. Maybe it is time to look around us and see where we do see Democracy and let go of our fear for change and the unknown. Really step into something new that aligns with our personal beliefs. What do you believe? Are you listening and following your heart or fear? After both the last Trump presidency and this present Biden presidency I do not see democracy or the Declaration of Independence being followed. What has happened to our freedoms? Personally I am ready for something new and will not let fear stop me from being open to a new path that my heart and soul align with. Look around there are more than 2 candidates running for President this year. What are the powers that are keeping these candidates away from the main debate and hidden as possible from public view? Does that represent freedom? Maybe it is time to expand our vision and try something new. Maybe we all need to look at what is really going on behind the curtain of illusion. This is a very important time in history and we are here for a reason. What basic changes do we want to see? Is our present government acting as the best version of itself? Am I? What is morality for the self and our country? For me I personally think morality is based around do not harm. Am I living this way? Is my government setting an example of this?

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You pose many questions and I will happily answer...but not right now. :) Also, please consider coming to this month's Conscious Politics Free Monthly Training. It'll be on Tuesday, July 16 at 5:00pm Pacific. It's the place to talk about ALL of this. I appreciate your comments and also the fact that you made them. We will keep this conversation going, for sure. That's what it's all about.

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Hi again. :) I'll attempt to respond as succinctly as I can starting with our apparent disagreement that the anti-democratic thoughts/ideas/actions I see in the R party writ large are also in the D party writ large. I just don't see what you're seeing about Biden's presidency, for example, "not following the Declaration of Independence." There are so many specifics required to what seems like a back-and-forth conversation about this that just can't happen (for me anyway) in this format. (It's great for The Conscious Politics Free Monthly Training, though! Yet again.)

As for the many questions you ask, if they are directed at me personally, I always follow my heart and virtually never experience fear. With regard to this piece, heart is a multi-cultural, multi-racial, equitable society that works for everyone. Certain people/policies support that, others don't. For me and me alone, the entire R party is actively fighting against it which is why this piece is directed at people who want what I happen to want (the majority of Americans). I cannot list all the beliefs I have around this but I certainly believe that our country can be doing a WHOLE lot better and have always believed that. "A more perfect union" is something, I've always believed, that the U.S. has strived for but I no longer believe that everyone is striving fo. New? Bold? Look behind the curtain? Other candidates and campaigns? Yes! Absolutely! Always! But if you ask me personally, today, those larger issues and questions are not going to be addressed between now and November. I personally believe that navigating the globe's waters these days can be made easier and can be made harder and that things will be easier if the convicted felon and his minions are not in power. Conscious Politics, as I see it, is all about answering the very questions you pose. But I also believe that if we are to have the room, space, and FREEDOM to explore those questions and more, knowing that we won't answer and solve them before November, that one party winning the presidency in the fall will offer that and one will make it infinitely harder. That is my personal belief and, in that sense, I feel like a triage nurse in an ER.

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To my Beloved ER Triage Nurse, first thank you for your dedication, heart and soul on these important matters. For clarity my questions were for me and anyone else that might read my response. I know your heart is pure and good Steven and I don't see any fear in you. I do wonder why so many will not look outside this 2 party system for a better candidate for presidency. I have had many friends say they are voting for Biden because they fear a Trump presidency. I do understand that motivation. If we want change it requires something new. My questions were not directed at you my friend, purely to raise food for thought in all who might have read my response. I am responding here in case others that might be reading this have the same questions of me as you did.

Does a true democratic government censor and mandate? Both are against the Declaration of Independence. Under both Trump and Biden there was extensive censorship and threats to long time, well established doctors that were successful in treating Covid without hospitalization. They treated Covid with medicines that have been used for many years that caused no harm. The government then told us not to use these medicines and they became hard to get even for those that had been using them for years as a part of their personal protocol for other diseases. My doctor was frustrated with this fact. She could no longer get Ivermectin for a patient that had been on it for years. It appears to me unless you are running as an Independent you are taking money from sources that expect you to push their agenda once you become president. I am not witnessing a democracy with freedom of speech and freedom over our own bodies. I want real change in the White House.

Under both presidencies, Biden and Trump, the dollar has been greatly deflated as the government has printed money to pay for vaccines and the drug companies have made millions as our country has gone trillions of dollars into debt! "Follow the Money." We, the people, feel the devaluing of the dollar every time we go to the market or pay any bill. Please know I acknowledge the suffering from Covid, the vaccine, from the closure of many small businesses and my heart breaks for all of us. This is our time to rise, to reveal the truth and grow into our greatest collective vision of who we can be as a free people and a truthful governing body who puts people before the dollar. It's time to question everything!

My present democratic government has lied to me, to its people. I know Covid was real but what happened to the regular flu and the deaths that happen every year? They were all counted as Covid. This raised the number of deaths by Covid creating a state of fear and compliance. A doctor even told me since the PCR test came out and was mandatory for any flu symptom, that the flu ceased to exist and everything flu or even cold like was now considered Covid. This naturally raised the number of cases and deaths from Covid while there were no deaths reported from the flu which is very unusual. I personally experienced a positive result without any symptoms when tested by a nurse. I then went and got tested right away again by a doctor and was negative! I did the double testing so I could enter an event. My Uber driver said he took 5 tests in 15 minutes, 2 were positive and 3 were negative. The person that created the PCR test even stated it was not accurate and should not be used as a definitive result for Covid. Yet our present government pushed these tests knowing they were not accurate. They even mailed out "free" tests to whoever wanted one. Facts that were hidden by our WHO, CDC, and VAERS are now being exposed... like the large number of deaths and injuries from the vaccine. The U.S. now has the highest infant mortality rate in developed countries and we rank 35th in the general health of our people and yet we spend more money than any other country on health care and drugs. Our news, just look at the commercials, you will see who is paying for the program you are watching to influence you with a narrative that benefits those that are advertising. Most commercials are drug related. I do not trust either party at this time and choose not to vote for anyone that does not have the people's best interest at heart but favors corporations, hides truth, makes up their own science, forces its people to obey and silences any opinion that is not in agreement.

It looks to me that hard earned tax dollars are supporting drug companies and the war machine while the people of our country are suffering. There is no morality here! When our government censors, as we have been warned by our founding fathers, we are no longer a free people. I choose to be free and I will give my precious life to remain free. I will not vote for a political candidate, or a party, that takes away my freedom and censors opposing views. I have often voted democratic. I am now an Independent registered for We The People with a candidate that I trust for presidency and then I choose to vote independently for any other candidate that aligns with my beliefs from any party. I do not want Trump as president but I will choose someone I respect. I want real change in the White House.

I will continue to love you, all of you, and my country. I respect and welcome different opinions and personal truths. I am free to do that! I accept our differences. I trust in a Higher Power, the same Higher Power that our country was founded on, "In God we Trust'. I believe in the basic morality of "do no harm". I strive for this on an individual level and it is what I want to see from our governing body... Of the People For The People, Let Freedom Ring!

Thank you for letting me have a voice. 🙏💖🕊️

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When someone writes more than I do, I gotta reply! And all kidding aside, thank you for this. Very much. It's an opportunity to clarify -- for myself and anyone who's following this conversation -- a couple of points.

The first point, the point of The Conscious Politics Op-Ed, is to encourage ALL of us to, ahem, be more conscious about our thoughts/attitudes/opinions/actions vis-a-vis our relationships to politics. That essentially boils down to getting ultra super clear about what we want and then think thoughts and feel feelings and take action(s) that, as far as we can tell, align with and support what we personally want to see.

Over the course of time writing this newsletter, I sometimes share my personal opinions to demonstrate or illustrate or give examples of the general practice. As such, my desire for our society to complete its mission/opportunity to be a multi-cultural, multi-racial society that works for everyone is guiding me, in this particular election season, to support Democrats because, even though I'm not one, I believe it will make a massive difference on the ground, immediately. So I'm in the camp of many of your friends on this one. To be SURE, my personal advocacy for this is about the immediate term.

Your inspiration/gut/intuition is taking you to a different-than-mine place and I am happy, as a conscious politics practitioner, for everyone to follow their intuition, to align with thoughts and ideas that align with who they are and what they want. Thanks for being someone who is willing; it's pretty much all we can ask of one another and under no circumstances do we need to agree. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything other than to, please, apply a little more consciousness to your politics which you, Careena, are obviously doing.

Further, the clarity you are helping me to express is when I say that D's and R's are different, I do NOT disagree with all the ways that the two parties are the same. All the ways, as you describe, that the two parties have behaved in exactly the same ways over decades and decades. Look outside the two-party system? PLEASE! Yes! I have not personally been a part of it (as a member of either) for more than a couple of decades, I encourage others to register as "unaffiliated" as a means of draining them of their power, that is slowly happening, and I wrote a piece last fall (Issue 110) about my strong support of more and more Independent candidacies and campaigns.

But because of how close I think we are to realizing the kind of society I want to see, because I know one party that will win in November supports that and one does not, I am not willing to take a chance, not this time, and that's just me. D's and R's are the same in all the ways you say, but there is a radical difference between a Trump presidency and a Biden presidency, between a Mike Johnson speakership and a Hakeem Jeffries speakership in the House of Representatives and, again, that's my opinion and a more refined version of what I, personally, mean, by how different the parties are. Down here, on the ground, IRL. Today. :)

Personally, it's not that I don't see or appreciate or believe or understand the issues and facts about SEVERE problems with everything you shared above. For me, however, not to be flip, all of that goes into the bucket of evidence of the old, dying consciousness, examples of all kinds of systems and beliefs and practices and policies that are crumbling and dying, none of which will most likely disappear in the next year or two. But your aligning, via your heart, with candidates and parties that you feel inspired to support and align with who you are and what you want is music to my ears -- even though I disagree wholeheartedly! It's "easy" to disagree with YOU on this, however, because I don't mistrust your motives. I believe that you are operating from your heart and THAT is what I advocate. THAT is why I invest my precious time and energy in this project called "conscious politics." There is no daylight between us here and I thank you -- from the bottom of MY heart -- for being a conscious politics pracititioner.

(I'm about to hit "Post" and I'm sure I'll immediately think of lots I've missed or didn't express so succinctly but that's what The Conscious Politics Free Monthly Training is for. Yes, that again. :) The next one will take place on Tuesday, July 16 -- next week! And yes, you'll ALL be reminded.)

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I love this conversation! It is an example of how 2 people with different political views still love, respect and care for each other! There are many reasons to love this conversation. Thank you for engaging my LightHouse!

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Those were the words I needed to read today.

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P.S. I love the metaphysics you brought to us here on this subject. "... each of us came into the lives we’re now living on purpose for a purpose. Each of us knew the times would be tumultuous. Each of us expected to be challenged to embody and ground the new consciousness. And each of us is capable of meeting this moment... we must invite it.... we must live it" I so appreciate this. I am also very happy to hear that there was a Great Peace Conference going on between Israel and Palestine. I want to know more about this! You are an excellent passionate writer! The more I read your words the deeper I feel them. Grateful!

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So much wisdom in here, as always, my dear friend. And for that I thank you over and over. One tiny quibble regarding gerrymandering. You did refer to statehouses, so I think your remark may well be accurate, but I am aware that the Massachusetts delegation to Congress remains at 9-zip Democrats and Connecticut's at 5-zip and California's not so long ago was something in the 44-9 realm for the D's. As you know, I favor a much more proportional way to apportion members of Congress: every two years after November elections, average the most recent Presidential, Senate (2) and Governor races in that state, then divvy up the reps accordingly. In Massachusetts, in fact, the delegation is pretty close between a 5-4 or 6-3 split, giving Republicans there real reason to feel like that should get out and organize and nominate and vote and other participate. Ditto Republicans in CA or Dems in TX, etc. Now I shall step down from my soapbox and call you in a few minutes. Adelante!

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I like multiple soap boxes very much and hear you loud and clear on this particular fix for this particular problem. Zero arguments from me. Further, I personally believe that if one of these presidential candidates wins and also "wins the Congress," federally speaking, your ideas will have room and space to fluorish and if another of these presidential candidates wins and also "wins the Congress," federally speaking, your ideas will be smothered. But that's just me.

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