Dec 14, 2020Liked by Steven Morrison

This is right in line with the other current event (that mass media dubbs important enough to drill into our heads with several different (same) reports) of "The Vaccine". Doesn't it seem sickening how our rich, white country is talking/complaining about how and when and to whom the vaccine will be distributed but completely ignoring the fact that we aren't working doubly hard to get that vaccine distributed worldwide? And more importantly to poor countries? Why isn't there one single story about how this GLOBAL pandemic needs to be addressed on a GLOBAL scale in it's solutions? Life is life. Period. We need to do better. Starting today.

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I'm so glad you brought up the extension of this idea -- that a life is a life is a life -- to the VERY current news about "The Vaccine." I concur and feel sure that your thinking about this and how and where it applies combined with more and more of us thinking -- and acting -- in this direction more and more of the time is, itself, a huge part of what any of us can ever do. The "corps of the conscious" is better with you in it. Thank you.

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